Meet the dedicated team behind Arctic Freshwater, a diverse group of experts united by a common mission: to redefine the future of water. With backgrounds ranging from environmental science to business management, our team brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to the table. Together, we are committed to delivering pure, sustainable Icelandic water solutions to communities and industries around the globe.
Our team is a collaboration of leaders from many organizations and walks for life.
Arctic Freshwater CEO
Brad is a serial social impact entrepreneur focused on making a difference in the lives of others. He is also the CEO of Skills Council of Canada.
Arctic Freshwater COO
'Biggi' is the CEO of ÍSLIND ehf and many other companies, and through government partnership can open access to glacial water supply.
Arctic Freshwater CPO
Dan is the CEO of Amin Corp. Dan oversaw the successful establishment and operation of one of Canada's largest privately owned ports.
Arctic Freshwater
Rick has been in the financial industry for decades having been part of many Brad's businesses supporting him in a financial capacity as well as investor.
Icelandia ehf,
Jon Steinsson is a serial entrepreneur who has developed Icelandic waterbrands for over 30 years for distribution in Canada, the USA and the EU.
Vice President Partnerships
Arctic Freshwater
Kate is also the VP Partners at Skills Council of Canada and has worked in the education space for close to a decade building and supporting partners around the world.
Managing Partner
Varshney Capital
Praveen has been a long time partner and investor dedicated to backing ambitious founders, fostering innovative ideas creating a sustainable future.
Operations Manager
Icelandia ehf,
Birgisson is a manufacturer technician in Iceland specialized in Premium Spring Water delivered of bulk flexitank and bag-in-box.
Managing Director
Icelandia, Germany
He was one of the first who used flexitanks for worldwide liquid-food transportation, especially from China to Europe and will be supporting logistics to Canada.